Tuesday 9 June 2015

Time for pen to paper......(fingers to keyboard)

When life takes you on a mammoth roller coaster ride and you manage to come through the loop de loop with only a little vomit on your lap, you must ask your self the question, do you get off the ride and clean myself up or do you sit in the putrid and think about how much you stink??
Do you fight or do you fade??

I have recently come through the other side of a mammoth ride and I am still asking myself the same question. So it's time to start putting all my thoughts out into the universe and see if I can A) give myself an answer and B) maybe help someone else going through the same journey realise what they are feeling is "normal".....whatever that is?

Everyone is fighting a hard battle! Each individuals battle is hard to them, it doesnt matter how small it may seem to an outsider, to each individual their problems are hard, and so in some way this blog will resonate with everyone! I am realising more and more the older I get that anxiety, depression, anger, stress is not selective, it doesnt only affect those with the 'big' problems, it affects everyone in some way, for a particular length of time. How you deal with it is the pivotal factor.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your journey Heidi. It is a very important thing you are doing to continue your healing and to help others through their personal journey. Very proud of you, always. Love Aunty Sue xx
